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2 Translation results for bodily in Spanish

adjective | adverb

bodily adjective

unfavorite favorite play sound
corporal, del cuerpo

Example sentences of
bodily adjective

  • The victim suffered serious bodily injury.
  • the old man suffered from a number of bodily ailments

Synonyms of
bodily adjective

Detailed synonyms for bodily adjective

Bodily, physical, corporeal, corporal significan perteneciente a, o relacionado con, el cuerpo humano.
  • Bodily connota un contraste con mental o espiritual <a sport that involves much bodily contact>.
  • Physical connota, de forma menos explícita, una estructura orgánica <physical and mental exhaustion>.
  • Corporeal connota la sustancia de la cual el cuerpo está constituido <in paintings, angels are shown as corporeal beings>.
  • Corporal se aplica primordialmente a cosas que afectan o conciernen al cuerpo <banned corporal punishment in the schools>.

bodily adverb

unfavorite favorite play sound
en peso

Example sentences of
bodily adverb

  • The blast lifted him bodily into the air.
  • The house will have to be moved bodily to the new site.
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corporal  - corporal, bodily